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Nutrition and Wellness

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Study of nutrients and their importance to daily life and long term health.

Nutrition & Wellness 

Nutrition and Wellness is an introductory course valuable for all students as a life foundation and academic enrichment; it is especially relevant for students interested in careers related to nutrition, food, and wellness. This is a nutrition class that introduces students to only the basics of food preparation so they can become self-sufficient in accessing healthy and nutritious foods. Major course topics include nutrition principles and applications; influences on nutrition and wellness; food preparation, safety, and sanitation; and science, technology, and careers in nutrition and wellness. A project-based approach that utilizes higher order thinking, communication, leadership, management processes, and fundamentals to college and career success is recommended in order to integrate these topics into the study of nutrition, food, and wellness. Food preparation experiences are a required component. Direct, concrete mathematics and language arts proficiencies will be applied. This course is the first in a sequence of courses that provide a foundation for continuing and post-secondary education in all career areas related to nutrition, food, and wellness.

  • Recommended Grade: 9, 10
  • Required Prerequisites: none
  • Recommended Prerequisites: none
  • Credits: 1 credit per semester, 1 credit maximum
  • Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
  • Qualifies as one of the FACS courses a student can take to waive the Health & Wellness graduation requirement. To qualify for the Health and Wellness waiver, a student must take three of the approved courses. For more information, see 511 IAC 6-7.1-4(c)(6).
  • Local programs have the option of offering a second version of the course that is focused more on the fitness aspects of wellness and nutrition. This version may be taught within the family and consumer sciences department or it may be interdisciplinary and team taught or co-taught with a teacher licensed in physical education. Such a course may be differentiated from the regular course offering by using a subtitle in addition to Nutrition and Wellness. A student may earn credits for multiple versions of the course. No waiver is required in this instance.
  • Local programs may offer an additional version of this course for a specific student population, for instance, seniors who have never taken nutrition or foods courses. Such a course may be differentiated from the regular course offering by using a subtitle in addition to Nutrition and Wellness. A student may earn credits for multiple versions of the course. No waiver is required in this instance.

Course Designers

Amy McGouldrick
Southwood High School
Wabash, Indiana
Mollie Wassner
Riley High School
South Bend, Indiana

Download Full Course File for Your Learning Management System (Common Cartridge File)

Speak with the technology coordinator at your school
to determine whether you should download this file.

Download Full Course File for LMS(Common Cartridge)

Clicking the link above will trigger a download of an .imscc file. The file can only be imported into a Learning Management System (e.g., Canvas, Moodle, or Schoology).

This file cannot be imported into Google Classroom.

Access Individual Course Materials

Curriculum Map
This Curriculum Map is a guide to the course. Use this Map to understand the course scope and sequence.

Universal Design for Learning Checklist
This UDL Checklist offers guidance for how to make virtual learning accessible to all students. Use this Checklist in conversations with Special Educators to increase accessibility and guide differentiation, accommodation, and modification in this virtual course.

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